LCOOU Fall 2024 Scholarship Recipients

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University scholarships are awarded based on student academic achievement, skills, career goals, and financial need. Funding sources include fundraising events, individual, and corporate donations.      

You can support the student scholarship fund by donating here:

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University (LCOOU) awarded $47,000 in scholarships to 58 students for the Fall 2024 semester. Congratulations to our scholarship recipients!


Colette Abeita

 Annetmaureen Anunike

 Parker  Arntsen-Beaudin

 Callie Asp

 Cody  Atchison

 Levi Bartz

 Brianna Bellcourt

 Jeannie Buckholtz

 Jordan  Campbell

 Elaina  Corbine

 Elissa Decora

 Carrie  Enoch

 Amoh Etta

 Jamie  Fleming

 Brittany  Gordon

 Alana  Gouge

 Giavonni  Grover

 Gerard  Guyette

 Fartuney H. Haji-Ali

 Sereniti  Havens

 Leah  Hoffman

 Mercedez  Isham

 Kay Lynn  Jensen

 Marissa  Johnson

 Samantha  Kappeler

 Destiny Kingfisher

 Gina Krizan

 Gabriel  LaBlang

 Desmond  LaPointe

 Robert Manning

 Duane  Miller

 Natasha Miller

 Ricky Miller

 Doreen  Milligan-Smith

 Ronald Nordin

 Doris  Nwabunma

 Christine  Olson (Maiwald)

 Kimberly  Oshkeshequoam

 Christieanna Roberts

 Clarice  Roberts

 Jessica  Rought

 Consuelo  Ruiz

 Pamela St. Germaine

 Erica M  Toman

 Janey  Trepanier

 Faith   Trout

 Hannah Tutor

 Desiree Week

 Eunice  Zamora

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LCOOU Campus Closed March 5th Due to inclement weather.


LCOOU Fall 2024 Honors