About Extension
The mission of the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Extension Department is to help further education through continuing education units (CEUs), webinars, workshops, and events. Our goal is to help our community gain the skills needed to excel and advance in their chosen career fields, while honoring and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of our Anishinaabe people.
The Extension Department is here for the students and the community. We host many events throughout the year, so come and join us for instructor-led arts & crafts, moccasin making, ribbon shirts & skirts, farm activities, and so much more! Food is always provided when attending an Extension event, so be sure to check out our offerings and register today.
We serve our students and our community and we ask that anyone looking to participate in events, classes, or workshops please sign up via the blue link to the left. All our event postings and flyers include a QR code that will take you directly to the registration page. Registration is free (except in the case of classes such as EMR and First Aid training), and it takes 2 minutes or less to complete.
Questions? Concerns? Reach out to us today! You can call 715-634-4790, or email ext@lco.edu for more information about our offerings. Stay tuned to see what we have in store next - we are always growing ourselves, and our community!

Extension Team
Ramona Morrow
Kristen Polston
Nicole Carley